Pirkti Internetu: Total War Warhammer - Savage Edition (PC/MAC)
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Oficialus kodas kompiuterinio žaidimo Total War Warhammer - Savage Edition aktyvavimui.
Prekės aprašymas:
Contents of the Savage Edition
- Total War Warhammer (original game)
- Chaos Warriors (DLC)
- Call of the Beastmen (DLC)
- Isabella von Carstein (DLC)
- Krell (DLC)
It is an age of endless conquest, thousands of warriors clash in titanic battles as entire races wage war on one another, each led by a formidable hero seeking dominion over the world. All at your command.
The valiant Karl Franz marshals the men of the Empire, seeking to unite the fractured elector counts under a banner of strength against their common enemies.
Hungry for the vicious brutality of combat, the Greenskins flock to the tribe of Grimgor Ironhide; Orcs and Goblins alike filled with an insatiable thirst for carnage.
High King Thorgrim orders the stoic Dwarfs forth from their mountain strongholds, marching to vengefully right the grave injustices dealt to them over the millennia.
Yet the motives of the Vampire Counts under Mannfred von Carstien are shrouded in murderous secrecy, his armies raised from the rotting ranks of the dead.
And while the Old World becomes torn by betrayal, war and the unleashing of unfathomable power, a greater threat still whispers in the winds from the north. The fabric of reality itself begins to rend and buckle…
A unique combination of colossal real-time battles and an addictive turn-based sandbox campaign game of statecraft, politics and empire building, Total War: Warhammer will deliver hundreds of hours of absorbing gameplay.
What is more, this title will go on to combine with two further standalone instalments and additional content packs to create the largest Total War experience ever. An epic trilogy of titles that will redefine fantasy strategy gaming.
This is the dawn of a new era. Total War: Warhammer brings to life a world of legendary heroes, towering monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical power and regiments of nightmarish warriors.
Our rules have changed; the only constant… is war.
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- Kaina – mūsų skaitmeninis pristatymas leidžia išvengti pristatymo ir pakavimo išlaidų, todėl galime parduoti žaidimus už rekomenduojamą mažmeninę kainą.
- Patikimumas – „Trustpilot“ turime tūkstančius teigiamų atsiliepimų, o mūsų vidutinis įvertinimas yra 5/5. Visada stengiamės, kad mūsų klientai apsipirktų kuo sklandžiau ir greičiau.
- Patirtis – rinkoje dirbame nuo 2009 m. ir žinome viską apie žaidimus, todėl galime padėti jums beveik visais klausimais. O jei nežinome – išsiaiškinsime ir vis tiek pasistengsime jums padėti!