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Pirkti Internetu: Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars (PC)

38.99 49.99
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Pardavėjas: MOGA

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OSWindows 10, 64-bit
Intel Core i5-4440 3.3 GHz
HDD(Laisva vieta)
16 GB available
GPUNvidia GeForce GTX 1050

A hero's destiny is written in the Stars!

The Story of Suikoden I: A once renowned hero turns into a violent tyrant, and an empire falls into decline. A Liberation Army is rising up in an act of rebellion against an oppressive rule. One by one the 108 stars of Destiny gather to shape the course of history.

The Story of Suikoden II: Our story's hero and his friend Jowy are members of the Unicorn Youth Brigade, which participated in a drawn-out border dispute between the Highland Kingdom and the City-States of Jowston. A few months earlier, a truce agreement was signed between the two forces, both of which were happy to see an end to the fighting. However, hidden under the momentary peace the fires of a new war continued to smolder...

Suikoden I & Suikoden II HD: All background illustrations have been upgraded to HD. Updated effects breathe new life into the pixel art animation. New environmental sounds effects to immerse yourself in this fantasy world. Battle SFX are also now HD and add a new level of realism. Newly added auto-save. Battle Fast Forward. Conversation Log.

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