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Strider - Xbox One

Pirkti Internetu: Strider - Xbox One

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Prisijunkite prie savo paskyros tinklalapyje live.xbox.com ir pasirinkite „Mano paskyra“ (arba „Mano paskyra“ – „Išpirkti kodą“ – „Išpirkti“). Įveskite kodą į pageidaujamą laukelį ir spustelėkite „Patvirtinti“.

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Strider - Xbox One Download Code

You will receive your Strider Download Code directly by eMail. Use the code to download the complete game Strider on your Xbox One  gaming console.

Note: Not available for players in Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Strider returns in a brand new adventure, complete with incredible side-scrolling action, and lightning fast combat all in a massive interconnected world. Become the original assassin!

The ultimate ninja returns – Strider Hiryu, the original assassin that inspired many third person action titles returns in a completely new game for a new generation of gamers as he takes on the Grand Master Meio.
Lightning fast combat – Use an arsenal of moves and weapons against your enemies whilst slicing your way through a massive interconnected game world.
Plasma Cyphers – From scorching enemies to freezing them in their tracks or deflecting a host of bullets, the indestructible plasma charged cypher offers a range of action tactics for players to use against their foes.
Seamless Traversal – Jump, climb and run through the expansive game world with the speed and agility of a ninja whilst climbing surfaces to gain that extra height and engaging the enemy from virtually any direction.
Varied enemy design – From cybernetic soldiers to immense bio-mechanical creatures the enemy types in Strider guarantee engaging and unique combat challenges.

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