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Pirkti Internetu: Planet Zoo - Wetlands Animal Pack DLC (PC)

8.99 9.99
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OSWindows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
Intel i5-2500 / AMD FX-6350
8 GB
HDD(Laisva vieta)
16 GB
GPUNVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (2GB) / AMD Radeon R9 270X (2GB)

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Oficialus kodas kompiuterinio žaidimo Planet Zoo - Wetlands Animal Pack DLC aktyvavimui.

The original game Planet Zoo (not included in this offer) is required to use, respectively, play the contents of the DLC.

Embrace eight diverse new species! These highly requested animals comprise of seven habitat species and one exhibit amphibian, and include the adorable capybara, distinctive platypus, and powerful water buffalo. As well as the eight amazing additions that make up this animal-focussed pack, the Wetlands Animal Pack also features an all-new challenge scenario. Head to the Brazilian Pantanal, a natural region encompassing the world's largest flooded grasslands, and lend your zoo management expertise to an inspiring animal sanctuary. Are you up to the task?

8 FASCINATING ANIMALS: Please welcome eight incredible species to your zoo! The Wetlands Animal Pack contains many of the community's most requested animals in the capybara, platypus, Asian small-clawed otter, spectacled caiman, Nile lechwe, wild water buffalo, red-crowned crane, and Danube crested newt. Bring these fan-favourite animals into your existing zoos or build entirely new ones, create stunning habitats specially designed to reflect their natural surroundings, and invite your guests on an exciting journey of discovery as they learn more about these eight wetland wonders.

ALL-NEW ANIMATIONS: You'll love watching your new animals make themselves at home. De-stress alongside the capybara as they luxuriate with the new Hot Water Tap enrichment item; catch a rare glimpse of the platypus on a deep-water dive; marvel at the aquatic pirouettes of the graceful Asian small-clawed otter; and watch the red-crowned crane's mating dance. From large bovids in the wild water buffalo, to distinctive amphibians in the Danube crested newt, every species in the pack has its own unique relationship with the marshy waters of their homeland, each an essential part of the local ecosystem.

A THRILLING NEW SCENARIO: Head to the rich and vibrant Brazilian Pantanal and test your zoo-running skills in the world's largest wetland. Here you'll find an animal sanctuary aiming to rescue struggling species. Lend the enterprise a helping hand by taking over management duties, adopt and care for new arrivals as you nurture them through their entire life cycle, and help them thrive. In order to run a successful, modern zoo, you'll also need to delight and entertain your visitors, educate them on animal welfare, and fulfil their expectations. Do you have what it takes to give your new animals a forever home?

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