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Pirkti Internetu: Planet Zoo - North America Animal Pack DLC (PC)

3.99 9.99
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Pardavėjas: Summanus

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OSWindows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
Intel i5-2500 / AMD FX-6350
8 GB
HDD(Laisva vieta)
16 GB
GPUNVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (2GB) / AMD Radeon R9 270X (2GB)

Oficialus kodas kompiuterinio žaidimo Planet Zoo - North America Animal Pack DLC aktyvavimui.

Prekės aprašymas:

The original game ''Planet Zoo'' (not included in this offer) is required to use, respectively, play the contents of the DLC.

The North America Animal pack features a selection of iconic species highly requested by the community, bringing a diverse assortment of growling, swimming, and cantering additions, complete with five new enrichment items to help them feel at home. This DLC also comes with a new timed scenario to challenge your zoo-managing skills at the foothills of the famous Blue Ridge Mountains.

Within the North America Animal Pack you'll find the moose, cougar, California sea lion, North American beaver, American alligator, black-tailed prairie dog, arctic fox, and American bullfrog. This makes a total of seven habitat animals and one exhibit animal. From the towering moose, Planet Zoo's largest and heaviest species of deer, to the tiny prairie dog, you can enthral your guests with a range of fascinating North American wildlife.

Visitors will love watching every new animal display unique behaviours. For instance, the arctic fox, who has the lowest temperature tolerance in the game, hunts by adorably diving face-first into the snow, just as it does in the wild. California sea lions call out with their distinctive bark, and shake their blubbery folds. Diminutive prairie dogs, meanwhile, the smallest adult animals you'll find throughout Planet Zoo, stand tall in a sentinel pose before yipping and leaping around.

Welcome to Jameson Wildlife Park! Nestled within the lakes at the foot of the famous Blue Ridge Mountains, this newly developed attraction invites you to take over management duties. You'll expand the zoo by clearing terrain in order to weave new habitats into the landscape, working around marshy wetland and letting your creativity flow while providing animals large, naturalistic habitats in which to thrive.

As well as spearheading planning and construction, you'll endeavour to increase species diversity by incorporating the North America Animal Pack's additions. Help these animals get settled in lovingly designed habitats, educate guests on their needs, and develop successful breeding programs to continue the zoo's prosperity into the future.

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