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Killer Instinct: Combo Breaker Pack - Xbox One

Pirkti Internetu: Killer Instinct: Combo Breaker Pack - Xbox One

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Killer Instinct: Combo Breaker Pack - Xbox One Download Code

You will receive your Killer Instinct Combo Breaker Pack Download Code directly by eMail. Use the code to download the complete game Killer Instinct Combo Breaker Pack on your Xbox One  gaming console.

Note: Not available for players in Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Bonus contents of the Combo Breaker Pack:

All 8 characters from Season 1: Glacius, Thunder, Orchid, Jago, Sabrewulf, Sadira, Spinal and Fulgore
Download Code for a character from Season 2: The boxer TJ Combo
The legendary fighting game franchise is back with next-generation visuals, over-the-top action, a wild cast of combatants, rocking reactive music, and C-C-C-COMBO BREAKERS! Choose from amongst a wild cast of combatants each with fluid animations, unique combat tactics, and flashy special attacks. Utilize an open-ended combo system to rack up huge combos as your opponent looks for openings to break you and turn the tides of battle. Go online and test yourself against players from all over the world, or brush up on your combat skills in detailed tutorials.

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