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Pirkti Internetu: The Elder Scrolls Online Collection - High Isle (PC)

29.99 59.99
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Seller: Summanus

Kodo aktyvavimo vadovą galite rasti produkto aprašyme

OSWindows 7 64-bit
Intel® Core i3 540 or AMD A6-3620
3 GB
HDD(Laisva vieta)
85 GB
GPUDirect X 11.0 compliant video card with 1GB RAM (NVidia GeForce 460 or AMD Radeon 6850)

Oficialus kodas kompiuterinio žaidimo The Elder Scrolls Online Collection - High Isle aktyvavimui.

Delve into the history and culture of a noble chivalric people, explore a stunning never-before-seen location, and uncover a mysterious new threat in The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle and Legacy of the Bretons year-long adventure.

Discover the beautiful Systres Archipelago in the Legacy of the Bretons year-long adventure, a brand-new storyline told throughout all ESO's 2022 content releases, including the upcoming The Elder Scrolls Online: Ascending Tide DLC and The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Chapter.

High Isle progresses the ongoing Legacy of the Bretons storyline and provides 30 hours of unique story content. In this new Chapter, you have the opportunity to dive deep into the Breton's ancient home and experience a noble chivalric society on the brink of war.

Explore High Isle and Amenos, a land never-before-seen in The Elder Scrolls. Traverse stunning white cliffs, majestic castles, and perilous jungles as you encounter a chivalrous Breton society.

Uncover a secret order of knights led by the mysterious Ascendant Lord, who threatens to disrupt peace talks for the ongoing Three Banners War and condemn Tamriel to endless conflict.

  1. Create an account at http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-gb/agegate
  2. Log in to your account and open "My Account"
  3. Click the "Redeem Code" button and enter the code

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